#Doc054* - Nigel FARAGE of UKIP - SPEAKS IN BERLIN FOR Pan EU Co-operation
Nigel FARAGE SPEECH 25-Sep-2010
First of all, my compliments to those professors who have been brave enough to take this challenge to the German Constitutional Court. It takes great strength and courage to swim against the tide of a media and academic environment which is continuously and fanatically pushing an agenda of EU political integration. You, the knowledgeable and visionary people have taken a stand of which you can be proud, a stand which is principled, and protective of the highest ideals of German democracy. I am here today to show my support and encourage you all to further develop the vital work you have already started
Empires of Political Union never work.
You have taken the first step in the fight against the construction of a European empire, centred in Brussels.
If you travel to Northern Africa today, in the hot sands of Egypt for example, you can see the ruins of opulent buildings of the once mighty Roman Empire. The remnants of the courts, and palaces and gymnasia of the Roman Empire are dotted all over this continent and others.
People were once taught to believe that the Roman Empire would last forever, that it was invincible, indestructible - and most importantly they thought it was inevitable. That here was no alternative but to be obedient and to submit to its political and military power. This was not true
The historical developments show us that large multi-national empires, or political unions if you like, do not properly function and further more do not survive. Where are today the Roman Empire, the Ottoman Empire, or the Austrio-Hungarian Empire? Their glorious histories and their proud times are just pieces of information on the books, historical documentaries and mouments covered over by the sands of time.
Spurred on by events, the peoples of these once powerful political unions, acted to seek one of the most precious things that a people can possess - their freedom and the ability to determine their own future.
The EU project is not about peace but about elite gaining more power.
Frequently the builders of these empires appealed to those whom they ruled, saying that they wanted to build up a pact of diverse nations into a union of peace and prosperity. That people must forget their own national interests in the name of a greater peace.
On his 80th birthday, Helmut Kohl announced that the fate of the EU’s floundering single currency was a matter of life and death: He said, “European unification is a question of war and peace... and the euro is part of our guarantee of peace.”
I am fascinated by the effect and history of the First World War. I have been to Verdun many times, frequently leading parties of history enthusiasts to learn what happened there, and why.
Who can forget the iconic image of Chancellor Helmut Kohl and French President, François Mitterrand, at the battlefield of Verdun in September 2004, holding hands and saying 'Never again.'. The subtext being of course, that the EU is necessary to prevent war on the European Continent. They forgot to mention that mature democracies rarely, if ever, initiate wars. They played on a peoples' honorable desire for peace while aiming to justify their drive towards the political unification of European nations and the destruction of national democracies.
Far from being a project of Peace, as Sunday Telegraph journalist Christopher Booker has ably shown in his book 'The Great Deception', the initial impetus towards the Common Market was an American desire to re-arm Germany after World War II and prepare for a possibly violent Cold War with the Communist East.
Of course, now the EU is showing its true colours, EU Commission President Barroso a few weeks ago called for a Common EU Defence and Foreign Policy
The claim that the EU was built up for the benefit of peace is a completely false foundation myth.
Lets not forget the example of the Former Republic of Yugoslavia. It is a clear and strong model which shows us that the un-natural and undemocratic squeezing together of diverse peoples into a political union against their will surely lead to resentment, anger and eventually, in the case of Yugoslavia, horrible bloodshed.
The World has Grown to Love Germany
The propagandists of the EU project have for decades played on and encouraged German guilt about the War to build up sympathy and support for their political and bureaucratic project.
However, this attempt shall fail for a number of reasons:
The number of young people who have never experienced the War is increasing all the time.
Because over the last 60 years the world has grown to love the German people again.
Germany needs to get over its World War guilt complex. The rest of the world has clearly moved on, and forgiven any past wrongs. Look around and see how a young German, Lena was voted Eurovision Song Contest winner, while the Catholic Church chose an erudite German, Joseph Ratzinger as Pope. A humorous Catholic might say that Germany now has even the Holy Spirit on side!
Germany just lost out on a chance to win the World Cup on Football by a few badly taken penalties!
It is this World War guilt complex which has emotionally squeezed many German politicians to support and fund the political integration of the EU.
But the good thing is, the world has forgiven Germany, and the time for war reparations, (paid as subvention of the EU) is over.
"The current situation is that the EU plays, Germany pays.
The German people should rightfully oppose forking out a huge amount of money to prop up a failed currency. Up to this point, the German people have been the mugs of Europe. They have paid for to much.
Time to say to the weak economies of Europe, enough is enough, you have to look after yourselves. Time to grow up and be responsible adults. 'You are fifty years of age, no more pocket-money from Daddy.'
As it stands the ECB are buying up junk government bonds in the market place which will undoubtedly lead to trouble.
Billionaire investor George Soros, who knows a thing or two about currencies, recently said, "Due to its history, Germany is more worried about inflation than about recession. In the rest of the world, it is exactly the other way around." Germany's interests are not served by being in a monetary union with other countries who have completely different needs and goals.
To prevent economic disaster, Germany needs to take back the Mark, and take back control.
Chancellor Merkel has used the concept of 'beneficial crisis', and has used this situation of financial crisis as an excuse to grab more power for Euro federalists. She and her fellow travellers like Martin Schulz cynically manipulating a situation to gain more of what they want. The EU and ill-conceived Euro project to a large extent created this crisis, yet these manipulators now call for more Europe, more centralised EU control - more of the same.
The German people need to protect themselves, their country and get rid of Eurofanatics.
Concerning the Greek bailout, to protect their own future, and prevent their hard-earned money being poured down a black hole of no return, the German people need to tell their politicians, 'Not one penny more. If the Greeks need the money, let them call in the IMF alone. We have paid enough already.'
The strong economies of northern Europe and the weak economies of the Med are incompatible. You can't hold two watermelons in the same hand at once. It is a huge waste of money trying to bail them out.
The Economic Consequences of the Euro and loss of Democratic oversight
You should feel proud of your hard work and your loyal commitment to your nation which has built a strong German economy and stable society. Yet why should the Germans pay billions of Euro to bail out the Meds, and prop up the Euro, while being forced to cut their budget for German childcare and education? The euro currency and political union is a crazy project. The Euro is a folly which no longer serves the interests of the German people or indeed the other peoples of Europe.
To ensure the stability of European economies as a whole, either the weak Meds leave the Euro, or the Germans leave the euro and take back the Deutsche mark. That is the only way forward.
It is in everybody's interest that countries like Greece, Spain and Ireland leave the euro, take up their own currency again and devalue. They need to be free to prosper. The alternative for these countries is a deflationary spiral, allied to increasing debt levels and eventual default.
By 2013 the debt levels of Greece and Spain etc will be so huge, that they shall not be able to repay. For Chancellor Merkel to give bucket loads of German taxpayers' money, created by your hard work, to such countries in the name of 'an ever closer political union' which no-one wants, is unjust and definitely un-necessary.
This is compounded by the fact that the German people are now having to face massive cuts in Government spending for vital services because the ruling politicians, committed to this EU Project are sending your taxpayers' money abroad.
This economic crisis in Europe, facilitated in many ways by the Euro, will finally make people question this whole project of political union. The Euro is unwanted, political union unnecessary.
Cooperation and Free trade -YES, political union- NO
I am all in favour of democratically elected national government cooperating together, freely agreeing minimum standards if that is what they want.
Cooperation and free-trade is great, but that is all we need. Political union cannot and shall not work.
The EU is asking the German people to bail it out, when the EU accounts have not been approved for 15 years. Given that the EU is a codeword for profligate waste and fraud, the question to you is - Should you, the German people, trust your money to this organisation?
The EU, the institution of butter mountains and wine lakes is the last institution the German people should be entrusting their hard-earned money to."
Loss of democratic oversight by the German people.
But the question of the Euro brings us to a much deeper problem with the EU.
Whoever asked the German people their opinion about ditching the deutche mark and having the Euro currency imposed instead? Can you remember being asked?
They were never consulted about the Euro, nor have they been directly consulted about a huge amount of laws which affect their daily lives.
Prompted by a question by Dr Roman Herzog, Former German President and former president of the German Constitutional Court who asked about the extent of new German laws which emanate from Brussels, the German Ministry of Justice compared the legal acts adopted by the Federal Republic of Germany between 1998 and 2004 with those adopted by the European Union during that period.
What was the result of this study? It found that an incredible 84 percent of news laws and regulations came from Brussels while only 16 percent of the laws came originally from the German Bundestag in Berlin. These figures are both startling and worrying
Dr Herzog himself said "the question has to be raised of whether Germany can still unreservedly be called a parliamentary democracy.", This is frightening - a real wake-up call.
This indicates that the German people have lost democratic oversight of the laws which govern their lives. This is very dangerous for democracy, a concept and practice which the German people helped develop and protect. In the national elections - what does it really matter which of the current parties you vote for when all of them are happy to allow the laws to be dictated by people you did not elect in Brussels and of whom you cannot get rid of.
By handing over the power to decide on German laws, the euro federalists have carried out the equivalent of setting fire to the Reichstag. It is people who want national democracy and are the good Europeans.
The EU has no Legitimacy
The question must be asked, if the German people did not consent to this hand over of power to the Brussels elite, how did the unelected Bureaucrats of the EU get this power?
Quite simple, the bureaucrats of the EU stole it by lying, and by cheating the people of Europe.
They lied about the effects of the Maastricht and Lisbon Treaties. They ignored the fair referendum results in France, Holland and Ireland over the Lisbon treaty. They changed the name and a bit of text in the EU Constitution, called it the Lisbon Treaty and refused to give all the peoples of Europe a vote whether they wanted it or not.
They manipulated in Ireland, but putting in a huge amount of money for the Yes campaign, all allied to a subservient press.
The more power the EU has, the more unpopular it becomes.
This now leads us to an unusual situation. Just when the EU has never had more power, it has never been more unpopular.
The EU's own polling system Eurobarometer has shown a stark decline in levels of support for the present regime of the EU. In the last six months there has been a huge decline of the popularity of the EU system in Germany, in Greece, in Portugal. In Britain, a recent YouGov opinion poll (published on Sept 10th this year) has shown that a clear 47 % of the British population want to leave the EU political union altogether. A mere 33 % of British people think the EU is a good thing and wish to remain members in the current format.
Just look at the areas in which the EU has gained most power over the years. The Common Fisheries policy has been an economic and ecological disaster. The Common Agricultural policy an engine of inequity, the Common Commercial policy is helping to strangle business opportunities. And now with a surge towards a Common Foreign Policy - the EU talks about human rights but turns a turns a blind eye to abuse of basic human rights in China.
The EU has no respect for human rights. The EU made a fundamental mistake by allowing the accession of countries like Romania and Bulgaria to join the European Union when it knew of the high levels of corruption, and rampant discrimination against the large minorities of Roma in these countries.
Those political elites who control the direction of the EU turned a blind eye because the European Empire wants to expand and now the problem is not just in those countries - it is a problem for all of us.
Barroso just recently called for a Common Defence and Foreign policy. Where will it end? Quite simply, this surge towards EU Political union will not end unless you in Germany, the largest financial contributors to the EU, put a stop to it. I ask you to act to protect your democracy, your incomes and your national interest.
You now have a very real opportunity and the power to take back democratic control.
In the UK, we in UKIP, in 1993 started off very small, because a number of people were unhappy about the possibility of losing the pound and entering the ERM (say full name). But in the last European Parliament election in the UK we took 13 seats, beating the governing Labour Party.
The tide of opinion is turning in Germany. You now have the momentum of public opinion and events turning in your favour. Democrats in Germany now have a golden opportunity to build a broad eurosceptic movement with credible candidates to present to the German public in the next European elections.
If I may quote Johann Wolfgang von Goethe: "Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do.”
This is a time of opportunity. I ask you to grab it and act on your noble desire of democracy again.
Thank you very much for your invitation, and thank you for your careful attention.
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