Saturday, 16 October 2010

#NF025* - Ein Volk Ein Reich Ein Farage - Lebenstraum von EFD

#NF025* - Ein Volk Ein Reich Ein Farage - Lebenstraum von EFD
This email has been doing the rounds. Every UKIP MEP was sent a copy. Some were amused, some were not. We at Junius thought that it should receive a wider audience.

-----Original Message-----

From: mike nattrass

Sent: Tue, 12 Oct 2010 12:51

Subject: FW: None of the above (including UKIP)

Do take a moment to read this devastating appraisal of Nigel Farage - first published in May of this year.

It would be criminal for a charlatan with a dangerously overheated ego, aka Nigel Farage, to be allowed to continue to lead UKIP???


None of the above (including UKIP)
Noel Lackland

Now that he is on the mend, one can ask the question that many have privately asked, but which they have refrained from raising while he was in hospital, out of good taste and also because, bluntly, there have been more important considerations in the political world over the past ten days. But just what in heaven’s name was Nigel Farage doing aboard that plane on election morning?

The polling stations were open in Buckingham, where he was opposing John Bercow in what he had promised would be a hard-fought battle. The tried and tested, efficient way to achieve electoral success is to spend the campaign weeks canvassing for your pledges – identifying your definite or at least, if as desperate as Farage clearly was, your likely supporters – and then concentrating your election day resources ruthlessly upon them in order to maximise your vote. But while the pocket-sized Speaker was tearing round the constituency from dawn on May 6th in his usual fashion, UKIP’s ex-leader was many miles away at an airfield in Northamptonshire, posing for press photos (just in time for Friday’s local papers!) as he strapped himself up and all the while getting out precisely zero per cent of his Buckingham pledges.

It’s arguable whether or not trailing a “Vote UKIP” banner high in the skies around the Home Counties, as was the plan, could ever have been an effective polling day tactic, but, even if could have got the votes out, why did Farage have to be in the plane? Here was the man who said he would “professionalise” his party upon becoming its leader in 2006, neglecting the most elementary requirements of electioneering, the sort that a twelve-year-old could grasp, in order to indulge in what was, in terms of the necessity of his own presence, nothing but a jolly jape at best, and a vanity project at worst.

It’s little wonder that Farage, by his own admission, was so out of touch with the Buckingham voters, absurdly saying, ‘I wasn’t to know just how popular Bercow was with his constituents’, which could have come straight out of the Alex Ferguson Book of Lame Excuses. A quick glance at the archives shows that UKIP had stood candidates against Bercow in at least the two previous elections. Is Farage suggesting that his Buckingham party colleagues had gleaned absolutely nothing about their major opponent in all that time? On the evidence of his own approach to marshalling the vote, perhaps they hadn’t.

Worse still, Farage is so out of touch with Buckingham that, even after the event, he has managed to draw the wrong conclusion. In an election in which none of the major parties stood against the Speaker, over 24,000 people still chose to vote against him (and that’s deliberately not counting those who voted BNP). On any scale, that’s a lot of evidence against Bercow’s overwhelming popularity. The problem for Farage, about which he is conveniently saying nothing, is that two thirds of them chose to express that evidence next to a name other than his own.

Perhaps Farage is simply unaware of the result. Certainly the UKIP press office struggled to interpret it, declaring, in one of the most stupid pieces of spin imaginable, that Farage was ‘the leading candidate amongst the ten who had (challenged) Bercow … in third place behind John Stevens’.

The bigger issue which both Farage and his successor as UKIP leader, Lord Pearson, must address is this: May 2010 was truly the “none of the above” general election, the first in living memory when not one of the main parties could happily let the results speak for themselves. In such circumstances, UKIP ought to have been perfectly positioned as the leading “none of the above” party. If it was unrealistic to expect that it could have matched its vote in the last two European elections, when different factors were at play, it was not unrealistic to expect that it should have polled much better than the 3% that it managed.

But when handed the ball in front of an open field, UKIP, instead of running with it, immediately kicked it into touch. We had the bizarre sight, surely unique in electoral history, of its leader campaigning with another party’s rosette. Equally uniquely and equally bizarrely, Pearson also advised electors to vote for the Tory candidate in a constituency where his own party was standing. That was in Wells, where the Tory candidate still lost. Up the road in Stroud, Farage was doing his bit by backing another rival candidate, Labour this time, describing him as ‘a good egg’ despite the fact that he was shown to have tabled a Commons EDM calling for an EU directive to be tightened up and properly enforced. No matter, he lost too.

What sort of message were all these shenanigans sending out to the electorate? UKIP has long claimed to be the anti-establishment party, yet here it was, backing all sides of the establishment at its own candidates’ expense. One final clue to all this can be found by revisiting that strange interview given by Farage, post-crash (and you take that as a bad pun if you wish). He put his “miscalculation” about Bercow down to the Speaker being ‘somebody who is pretty unpopular amongst the Westminster set’.

And there you have the reason UKIP is missing its current opportunities, in a nice little nutshell. The Westminster set will tell you that Nigel Farage is a common sight around its watering holes these days, both inside and outside the House, a rather sad sight too, given that he sits in another ‘parliament’ a couple of hundred miles away. No wonder then that, on his own admission, Farage’s political antennae are attuned more closely to that set, that establishment, that elite, than to the ordinary voters in Buckingham and up and down the rest of Britain too.

Of course Farage is guided by the Westminster set. He’s part of the Westminster set. And when it comes to the political establishment, UKIP, sad to say, isn’t part of the solution – it’s part of the problem.

 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance
Reclaim YOUR Future 
Write Upon Your Ballot Paper at EVERY election:
(IF You Have No INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance Candidate) .
to Reclaim YOUR Future 
Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins
tel: 01291 - 62 65 62
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#NF024* - NEITHER Nigel FARAGE nor David BANNERMAN Offers UKIP An Honourable Future!

#NF024* - NEITHER Nigel FARAGE nor David BANNERMAN Offers UKIP An Honourable Future!
Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable!
The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC 
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name! 
NEITHER Nigel FARAGE nor David BANNERMAN Offers UKIP An Honourable Future!
BOTH have a clear track record of corruption and dishonesty!



Put your questions to Tim and Gerard



as ever UKIP have proved they are UTTERLY without Morality, Completely Without Integrity and bereft of Principles.

The fake leadership placement of Pearson was only marginally less farcicle than his ineptitude in the job keeping Farage's seat warm. Farage had no choice but to go along with it as it seems Stuart Wheeler had refused to put anything into UKIP's General Election campaign if Farage was leader - we understand that having read this blog & Junius and dipped into the squabblings on Butcher's squalid little Forum he had come to the VERY convinced position that Farage was working for himself.

Butcher's Forum showed just how vile many of the parasites within UKIP were, with the taunting and lies of, smears and abuse of people like Douglas Denny, Mick McTrough, Independent UKIP, Croucher Skeptyk and others and just how many and accurate are the critics of UKIP.

Clearly the chicanery and corruption surrounding Farage & Bannerman is indisputable - whether directly by them or on their behalf by their corrupt 'placements'.

The Leadership hustings have been a total farce with Farage/Bannerman placemen like the oleaginous oik Peter Reeve 'orchestrating' the hustings and selecting the questions and who shall ask them - it could be argued that UKIP has, if nothing else, learned from The EU how to more competently abrogate on their duties and befoul the concepts of democracy.

The purpose of the hustings is for the members to question and cross examine the candidates NOT for a paid handler to bring on his performing monkey and supply it with exactly the peanuts it best performs on!

You will note that serial liars have much to hide and as The Times and other papers have shown us both Nigel Farage and David Bannerman are both liars, cheats and self serving - surrounded by their own corrupt placement. Now they perform their stunts as performers with little ability between them as we can see from the fact that jointly they have enriched themselves in the two leading positions in UKIP for many years - without honour, without integrity and without competence.

As a result UKIP obtained under 30 elected seats out of about 19,000 in Britain and by election to Westminster after 17 years ABSOLUTELY NO ONE within so much as shouting distance and with 3.1% only of the electorate who trusts The Farage Party and with no personalities, no gravitas and no apparent competence just one performing monkey being endlessly and immaturely rude to people in between childish stunts - just what part of society was expected to vote for such ghastly people.

With not a single solitary training session let alone program of training just look at the caliber of their staff, their PPCs even ignoring the criminality of their MEPs.

Clearly there are efforts to rig even the leadership election to hang onto control of the CASH - like the monkey with its fist stuck in the cookie jar for fear of letting go of the biscuit!

Tim Congdon with clearly NOTHING to hide is only too happy to be willing to hold an open session to answer member's Questions - I appreciate Gerard Batten has colluded in the corruption and abuse of members having NEVER spoken out and willingly endorsing the racism, anti Judaism, Xenophobic violence, pro EU policy, holocaust denial of his EFD group which it is expected will - when Farage is reinstated as leader of The MEPs on the 6th. even if he were NOT leader he is likely - TOTALLY against the wishes of the members of UKIP - to dump UKIP in favour of his Pan EU Political Party The EFD, which he chairs and which is ALREADY REGISTERED.

The only hope UKIP has is to wrest UKIP back from the corrupt and self serving scum that currently control it.

Even then it will be an uphill battle to re-establish UKIP as an entity of some probity that the more than 3.1% of the electorate are prepared to trust.

Tim Congdon's international reputation as a leading market economist, with his experience of Government over many years and with his independently successful track record may just manage to make UKIP electable - rid of the trash that has gathered around Farage's toilet seat on which he has enthroned himself!

To: undisclosed recipients:

Sent: Thursday, October 14, 2010 4:35 PM

Subject: E-mail to Tim Congdon's supporters in the 2010 UKIP leadership contest: announcement of 'Leadership Tele-Conference' on 18th October

E-mail sent to supporters of Tim Congdon’s bid for the leadership of the UK Independence Party, on 14th October 2010

This e-mail is sent to you because I have been informed - or have good reason to believe - that you are a supporter of my bid to become leader of UKIP. If you do not want to receive e-mails from me, perhaps you would let me know. The leadership campaign rules are intended to encourage discussion and debate, but also to prevent spamming.

Dear friends and supporters,

Here is the second e-mail announcement today. PLEASE CIRCULATE THIS MESSAGE TO ALL YOUR PERSONAL LISTS. Gerard, Steve and I want hard questions - and lots of them!

Announcement from Tim Congdon, Gerard Batten and Stephen Allison


We want to give as many members as possible the opportunity to discuss our plans for the UK Independence Party and to outline the policies we want to develop for the party. Some people have difficulty attending the hustings. We are therefore very pleased to announced that all members of UKIP are invited to put live questions to us from 7 pm to 8 pm on Monday, 18th October, on 0203 0032 666.

We look forward to hearing from you. The harder the questions, the better!

Put questions to Tim, Gerard and Steve LIVE on our UKIP Leadership Tele-Conference between 7.00pm to 8.00pm on Monday 18th October.

Dial 0203 0032 666 (local rate call) to put your questions and listen to the debate.

You are not only free to circulate this message more widely to other party members. You are positively requested to circulate it widely to as many party members as possible.

With best wishes

Tim Congdon
 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance
Reclaim YOUR Future 
Write Upon Your Ballot Paper at EVERY election:
(IF You Have No INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance Candidate)
to Reclaim YOUR Future 
Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins
tel: 01291 - 62 65 62

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Friday, 15 October 2010



quotations for those that back Nigel !

Nigel Farage.Image via Wikipedia


Craig Mackinlay, ex Vice Chairman and Leader of UKIP, on internal UKIP elections: “I will not be associated professionally or personally with what has become a perverted and shambolic process. Threats from the Party Chairman . . . merely add to the stink that now surrounds this election.
Frank Maloney Boxing Promoter - UKIP Mayoral Candidate 2004 , PPC 2010- I stick by my opinions that ''Nigel is a schoolyard bully and I beleive that the other members have a right to know this'' 2010
”Roger Knapman, ex Party Leader and MEP: “UKIP MEP’s met and agreed a statement of practice - first that we would not go on ‘junkets’ to other countries and secondly that we would not employ our wives. This was to prevent us getting dragged into the comfortable EU world that leads to ‘going native’. I am now very worried that this agreement is being ignored and that the attractions of the European Parliament as a career may beckon to some; where the delights of plush new office suites, Brussels titles and internal parliament or IndDem Group politics are more attractive than our original purpose
Richard North, ex UKIP Chief Researcher, writing of Farage: “He cannot tolerate anyone in the party who he feels is or might be in a position to challenge him. He prefers to surround himself with incompetents and deadbeats. Anyone who emerges who might show an independent streak, he ruthlessly eliminates, to ensure that they cannot be seen as competition.”
And again: “(Farage) . . . spends the bulk of his time manoeuvring and scheming to keep himself in the dominant position, while presenting to the world his “boyish charm.
"Gregg Beaman, ex North West Regional Organiser and former MEP candidate: "As far as Farage is concerned I knew when I met him, during the Preston by-election in 2000, that he was the personification of vanity and ego with little behind that wafer thin facade. I have seen his childish temper tantrums when he doesn't get his own way, when I was on the NEC and later when I was on the Elections Committee. I have seen him bully people and have stood up to him when he has tried to bully me. He must be one of the coarsest most vulgar individuals I have ever come across. The proposed changes to the party constitution are a result of the complete lack of principle of the current leader and chairman and, it must be said, the lack of courage shown by certain members on the Party's NEC.
”Bryan Smalley, Party Secretary for two years, wrote of Farage: “He is dishonest and frequently makes untrue statements''
”John Petley, ex UKIP researcher: "It really is now too much to expect the party to be turned round. Even removing Farage as leader will not solve it. His cronies hold all the positions of power, and there isn’t the time to winkle them all out. Sadly, for all the undoubted good UKIP has achieved, it is time for it to be dismembered. The wound is too deep. The poison has spread too widely. In 2004, UKIP had a great chance to advance the argument for British withdrawal from the EU. With the right approach, the argument could have been won irrevocably by now. Independence is so noble an objective, and there is so much to support this assertion.So UKIP has had its chance and blown it. We are left with only one option - to start again, learning from UKIP’s successes but more importantly, its failures.
"Dr Eric Edmond, ex NEC member and former MEP candidate: "He (Farage) has packed the NEC with his unelected nominees Andreasen, Nuttall and Arnott etc clearly to push through yet more undemocratic practices and consolidate his personal hold on the party.
Anthony Scholefield, Party Secretary for three years stated: “A disturbing feature is that Mark Croucher, UKIP Press Officer, shows UKIP members’ details to Communists and Socialist Workers via Searchlight and Unite Against Fascism. Croucher reports to Farage.
David Abbott, ex NEC member : “Our leader issues an edict that MEP’s wives must not be on the MEP’s payroll. Then he is caught paying his own wife.”And again: “These new revelations were on top of all his (ie Farage) more obvious defects including total amorality, bullying, adultery, and drunkenness, vengefulness and lying.
 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance
Reclaim YOUR Future 
Write Upon Your Ballot Paper at EVERY election:
(IF You Have No INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance Candidate) .
to Reclaim YOUR Future 
Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins
tel: 01291 - 62 65 62
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Wednesday, 6 October 2010


Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable! 
The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC 
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!

And he seemed to lead a charmed life and be under some sort of supranatural protection. 
He recounted how, during the election, he was in a plane with only a pilot, when a crash became inevitable and suddenly He felt, for no apparent reason, a powerful knowledge that he would be OK. No sooner had he realised this than he was calm and lo the plane it did crash seriously injuring the pilot Justin who has returned for numerous further hospital visits but it was not Justin who had been chosen…but He was spared for a greater mission and He was safe.
that all sounds very much like The Kabalah to me, towards a better understanding of The New World Order, but I kid you not this is more or less what UKIP's 'Chosen One' is saying at the hustings - how ANYONE could be induced to consider this Party Performer to be other than a party performer when you consider the party had almost 30,000 members when he officially took over from Roger Knapman and the Messiah managed to lose every decent member of principle and integrity and lost virtually all those who were dedicated to grow the organisation, the intelligent and the hard workers - ALL dedicated to Britain's Patriotic future to Leave-The-EU.
Consider the calamitous collapse of The East Midlands under the guiding hand of Derek Clark MEP the admitted fraudster, underhand betrayer of his loyal staff, who betrayed our Country for his own gain and his Regional Organiser and family:
Between them they have steered UKIP membership in the Region from around 8,000 to under 800 - there seems to be no one left of any stature or ability in the area, save what seems to be a Circus Stunt Rider who proclaims his backing for Tim Congdon to lead the party, yet rides his other horse by signing Nigel Farage's papers as an asentor - there's honourable commitment by UKIP standards!
What a farcical muddle UKIP is in with yet another of the leadership candidates put forward as an utter no hoper to split the opposition vote for Farage and his only claim to fame is 4 years as a County Councillor for another Party and that his father owns a dest!
It would be hard to make up but then again when you think it couldn't get worse you realise:
Here is the original of Nigel Farage's quote:
And he seemed to lead a charmed life and be under some sort of supernatural protection. He recounted how, during WWI, he was in a trench with a group of fellow soldiers and suddenly felt, for no apparent reason, a powerful urge to move away from them. No sooner had he done so when a shell landed and killed them all…but Hitler was safe.
It is worrying when the leader of a small extremist Pan EU Party EFD group chooses for divine inspiration a man quite that evil - just look what Hitler did in pursuit of Unifying Europe which collapsed in a blood bathe and widespread famine!
Hitler's earliest followers believed he was "The Messiah. The Saviour. Jesus Christ," or even a god. 
"Is he John the Baptist? Is he Christ?" --Josef Goebbels, Nazi Propaganda Minister 
Hitler was deeply interested in the occult and repeatedly stated he had been chosen by God and Divine Providence. In Mein Kampf and elsewhere, Hitler spoke of hearing voices and having divine visions, and relates the following episode: 
"I was eating dinner in a trench with several comrades. Suddenly the Voice said to me, 'Get up and go over there.' It was so clear and insistent that I obeyed automatically. I rose to my feet, walked twenty yards, and sat down to go on eating. Hardly had I done so when a flash and deafening report came from the part of the trench I had just left. Every member in it was killed." 
In Mein Kamph, Hitler relates that after he had been blinded by a gas bomb, and lay in a WWI military hospital, he again began having visions and hearing the Voice:
"And then the Voice thundered at me: 'Miserable wretch, are you going to cry when thousands are a hundred times worse off than you!?" 
And then, the Voice spoke again and Adolf Hitler experienced a wonderful vision of the utmost clarity: 
"I was being summoned to save Germany.... I would go into politics." 
Hitler's perspective: He was chosen by God, or Divine Providence, but with a twist: 
Let's pretend its 200 years ago, you are the Judeo-Christian God, and you have a problem: 
How to get the Jews to return to Palestine and reestablish the state of Israel. Four thousand years ago, God sent Moses into Egypt, and after much loss of life, the 600,000 Jews were kicked out and forced, many unwillingly, to journey to the "Promised Land." 
God, eventually kills all 600,000, including Moses, and millions of other hapless souls, and only the children of these Jews establish the state of Israel/Judea. 
Four thousand years later, the Jews are living all over Europe and Russia. 
Would these Jews voluntarily return to Palestine if God sends another "Moses?" Remember: the Jews didn't go willingly the first time. So what's God to do? He creates Hitler, who, at age 17, begins hearing the voice of "god." According to Hitler and the "voice", Hitler was chosen by Divine Providence to lead God's people back to the "promised land.
" Hitler's followers also believe he had been sent by god, by Divine Providence. It is "God's Will," says, Hitler, that he drive the Jews from Europe, and exterminate those who refuse to leave. When Hitler takes power, he does exactly that. 
Two years after Hitler's death, Israel (which means "God's strength") is re-established as a state.
 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance
Reclaim YOUR Future 
Write Upon Your Ballot Paper at EVERY election:
(IF You Have No INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance Candidate) .
to Reclaim YOUR Future 
Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins
tel: 01291 - 62 65 62
Enhanced by Zemanta

Monday, 4 October 2010

#NF021* - Nigel FARAGE - Wiki as at 04-Oct-2010

#NF021* - Nigel FARAGE - Wiki as at 04-Oct-2010

Nigel Farage

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Nigel Farage MEP

In office
27 September 2006 – 27 November 2009
Preceded by Roger Knapman
Succeeded by The Lord Pearson of Rannoch

Assumed office 
15 July 1999

Born 3 April 1964 (1964-04-03) (age 46)
Kent, United Kingdom
Political party UK Independence Party
Nigel Paul Farage (pronounced /fəˈrɑːʒ/;[1][2] born 3 April 1964) is a British UK Independence Party (UKIP) politician. Farage was leader of the UK Independence Party from September 2006 to November 2009 and is currently the Member of the European Parliament for South East England. In the European Parliament, Farage co-chairs the Eurosceptic Europe of Freedom and Democracy group.
Farage was a founding member of the UKIP, having left the Conservative Party in 1992 after they signed the Maastricht Treaty. Having unsuccessfully campaigned in European and Westminster parliamentary elections for UKIP since 1994, he was elected as the MEP for South East England in the 1999 European Parliament Election and was re-elected in 2004 and 2009.
In September 2006, Farage became the UKIP Leader and led the party through the 2009 European Parliament Election in which it received the second highest share of the popular vote, defeating Labour and the Liberal Democrats with over two million votes. However he stepped down in November 2009 to concentrate on contesting the Speaker John Bercow's seat of Buckingham in the 2010 general election.
Following the 2010 General Election, Farage failed to unseat John Bercow and only received the third highest share of the vote in the constituency. Shortly after the polls opened on 6 May 2010, Nigel Farage was injured in a plane crash in Northamptonshire. The two-seated PZL-104 Wilga 35A had been towing a pro-UKIP banner when it flipped over and crashed shortly after takeoff. Both Farage and the pilot were hospitalised with minor injuries.[3]
In September 2010, Farage announced that he would stand in the 2010 UKIP leadership contest,[4] following the resignation of its leader, Malcolm Pearson. Farage was also ranked 41st (out of 100) in The Daily Telegraph's Top 100 most influential right-wingers poll in October 2009, citing his media savvy and his success with UKIP in the European Elections.[5]



[edit] Political career

[edit] Conservative Party

Active in the Conservative Party from his school days until the resignation of Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher in 1990, Farage left the party in 1992 when John Major's government signed the Treaty on European Union at Maastricht.

[edit] UKIP and the European Parliament

Farage became a founding member of UKIP in 1993.
He was elected to the European Parliament in 1999 and re-elected in 2004 and 2009. Farage is currently leader of the thirteen-member UKIP contingent in the European Parliament, and co-leader of the multinational eurosceptic group, Europe of Freedom and Democracy.

[edit] UKIP party leadership

On 12 September 2006, Farage was elected leader of UKIP with 45% of the vote, 20% ahead of his nearest rival.[6] He pledged to bring discipline to the party and to maximise UKIP's representation in local, parliamentary and other elections.[citation needed] In a PM programme interview on BBC Radio 4 that day he pledged to end the public perception of UKIP as a single-issue party and to work with allied politicians in the Better Off Out campaign, committing himself not to stand against the MPs who have signed up to that campaign (ten in all at this moment).
At his maiden speech to the UKIP conference on 8 October 2006, he told delegates that the party was "at the centre-ground of British public opinion" and the "real voice of opposition". Farage said: "We've got three social democratic parties in Britain — Labour, Lib Dem and Conservative are virtually indistinguishable from each other on nearly all the main issues" and "you can't put a cigarette paper between them and that is why there are nine million people who don't vote now in general elections that did back in 1992."[7]
At 10pm on 19 October 2006, Farage took part in a three-hour live interview and phone-in with James Whale on national radio station talkSPORT. Four days later, Whale announced on his show his intention to stand as UKIP's candidate in the 2008 London Mayoral Election. Farage said that Whale "not only has guts, but an understanding of what real people think". However Whale later decided not to stand and UKIP was represented by Gerard Batten.[8] He stood again for UKIP leadership in 2010 after his successor Lord Pearson stood down.[4]

[edit] Westminster elections

Farage had unsuccessfully contested UK parliamentary elections for UKIP five times, both before and after his election as an MEP in 1999. Under the 2002 European Union decision to forbid MEPs from holding a dual mandate, if he was ever elected to the House of Commons, he would have to resign his seat as an MEP.
When he contested the Bromley & Chislehurst constituency in a May 2006 by-election, organised after the sitting MP representing it, eurosceptic Conservative Eric Forth, died, Farage came third, winning 8% of the vote, beating the Labour Party candidate. This was the second-best by-election result recorded by UKIP out of 25 results, and the first time since the Liverpool Walton by-election in 1991 that a party in government had been pushed into fourth place in a parliamentary by-election on mainland Britain.

[edit] 2010 UK General election

On 4 September 2009, it was announced Farage would resign as leader of UKIP.[9] This was to enable him to concentrate on his efforts to become the elected Member of Parliament for Buckingham at Westminster in the 2010 general election.
He stood against Buckingham MP John Bercow, the newly elected Speaker of the House of Commons, despite a convention that the speaker, as a political neutral, is not normally challenged in their bid for re-election by any of the major parties.[10]
On 6 May, on the morning the polls opened in the election, just before eight o'clock Farage was involved in a light plane crash, suffering injuries described as non-life threatening. A spokesperson told the BBC that "it was unlikely Mr Farage would be discharged from hospital today [6 May] ... He suffered facial cuts and bruises and injuries to his chest and there might be some damage to his ribs." The plane was towing a UKIP banner, and initial reports suggested that the plane crashed after the banner was caught up in the engine.[11]
Farage came third with 8,401 votes. Bercow was re-elected, and an independent who campaigned with "Flipper the Dolphin" (a reference to MPs flipping second homes) came second.[12]

[edit] Controversies and whistleblowing

[edit] Copyright infringement

In 1999 Farage, then head of UKIP's South East office, sold through party channels illegal video copies for £5 each of a documentary produced for the BBC about his 1999 campaign. Unscreened in the UK, Surrey Trading Standards investigated.[13]

[edit] Expenses disclosure

Farage in 2009
In May 2009, The Guardian reported that Farage had said in a speech to the Foreign Press Association that over ten years as a member of the European Parliament he received and spent nearly £2 million of taxpayers' money in expenses and allowances, on top of his £64,000 a year salary.[14]
The former Europe Minister, Denis MacShane, said that this showed that Farage was "happy to line his pockets with gold". Farage called this a "misrepresentation",[15] pointing out that the money had been used to promote UKIP's message, not salary, but he welcomed the focus on the issue of MEP expenses, claiming that "[o]ver a five year term each and every one of Britain's 78 MEPs gets about £1 million. It is used to employ administrative staff, run their offices and to travel back and forth between their home, Brussels and Strasbourg."[16] He also pointed out the money spent on the YES campaign in Ireland by the European Commission was "something around 440 million"[citation needed], making the NO campaign's figure insignificant in comparison.

[edit] Jacques Barrot

On 18 November 2004, Farage announced in the European Parliament that Jacques Barrot, the French Commissioner designate, had been barred from elected office in France for 2 years, after being convicted in 2000 of embezzling £2 million from government funds and diverting it into the coffers of his party. He claimed that French President Jacques Chirac had granted Barrot amnesty. Although initial BBC reports claimed that, under French law, it was illegal even to mention the conviction,[17] the prohibition in question only applies to French officials in the course of their duties.[18] The president of the Parliament, Josep Borrell, enjoined him to retract his comments under threat of "legal consequences".[19] However, the following day it was confirmed that Barrot had received an 8 month suspended jail sentence in the case, and that this had been quickly expunged by the amnesty decided by Chirac and his parliamentary majority. The Commission's president, Jose Manuel Barroso admitted that he had not known of Barrot's criminal record when appointing him as a Commission vice-president.[20] The Socialist and Liberal groups in the European Parliament then joined UKIP in demanding the sacking of Barrot for failing to disclose the conviction during his confirmation hearings.

[edit] José Manuel Barroso

During the spring of 2005, Farage requested that the European Commission disclose where the individual Commissioners had spent their holidays. The Commission did not provide the information requested, on the basis that the Commissioners had a right of privacy. The German newspaper Die Welt reported that the President of the European Commission, José Manuel Barroso had spent a week on the yacht of the Greek shipping billionaire Spiro Latsis. It emerged soon afterwards that this had occurred a month before the Commission under Barroso's predecessor Romano Prodi approved 10.3 million euro of Greek state aid for Latsis' shipping company.[21] It also became known that Peter Mandelson, then a member of the Commission, had accepted a trip to Jamaica from an unrevealed source.
Farage persuaded around 75 MEPs from across the political divide to back a motion of no confidence in Barroso, which would be sufficient to compel Barroso to appear before the European Parliament to be questioned on the issue.[22] The motion was successfully tabled on 12 May 2005, and Barroso appeared before Parliament[23] at a debate on 26 May 2005. The motion was heavily defeated. A Conservative MEP, Roger Helmer, was expelled from his group, the European People's Party - European Democrats (EPP-ED) in the middle of the debate by that group's leader Hans-Gert Poettering as a result of his support for Farage's motion.

[edit] Joseph Daul

In January 2007, the French farmers' leader Joseph Daul was elected the new leader of the European People's Party–European Democrats (EPP-ED), the European Parliamentary grouping which then included the British Conservatives. The UK Independence Party almost immediately revealed that Daul had been under judicial investigation in France since 2004 as part of an inquiry into the alleged misuse of public funds worth €16 million (£10.6 million) by French farming unions."[24] It was not suggested that Daul had personally benefited, but was accused of "complicity and concealment of the abuse of public funds." Daul accused Farage of publicising the investigation for political reasons and threatened to sue Farage, but did not do so.

[edit] Prince Charles

Prince Charles gave a speech to the European Parliament on 14 February 2008, in which he called for EU leadership in the war against climate change. During the standing ovation that followed, Farage was the only MEP to remain seated and went on to describe the Prince's advisers as "naïve and foolish at best."[25] Farage continued: "How can somebody like Prince Charles be allowed to come to the European Parliament at this time to announce he thinks it should have more powers? It would have been better for the country he wants to rule one day if he had stayed home and tried to persuade Gordon Brown to give the people the promised referendum [on the Treaty of Lisbon]." The leader of the UK Labour Party's MEPs, Gary Titley, accused Farage of anti-Royalism. Titley said: "I was embarrassed and disgusted when the Leader of the UK Independence Party, Nigel Farage, remained firmly seated during the lengthy standing ovation Prince Charles received. I had not realised Mr Farage's blind adherence to right wing politics involved disloyalty and discourtesy to the Royal Family. He should be thoroughly ashamed of himself and should apologise to the British people he represents."[25]

[edit] Herman Van Rompuy

After the speech of Herman Van Rompuy on 24 February 2010 in the European parliament, Farage—to protests from other MEPs—taunted the first long-term President of the European Council by saying he has the "charisma of a damp rag"[26] and the "appearance of low grade bank clerk",[26] also asserting that Van Rompuy's "intention is to be the quiet assassin of European democracy and of European nation states."[26] He also referred to Belgium as a "non-country", and that "nobody in Europe" knows who Rompuy is, nor how he was elected.[27] Van Rompuy commented afterwards, "There was one contribution that I can only hold in contempt, but I'm not going to comment further."[26] After refusing to apologise for behaviour that was, in the words of the President of the European Parliament, Jerzy Buzek, "inappropriate, unparliamentary and insulting to the dignity of the House", Farage was reprimanded and had his right to ten days' allowance (expenses) rescinded.[28][29] “I don’t think it was abusive. I was right!” he said later.[30]

[edit] Electoral performance

Nigel Farage has contested several elections under the United Kingdom Independence Party banner:

[edit] Outside politics

Farage was educated at Dulwich College before joining a commodity brokerage firm in London. He ran his own brokerage business from the early 1990s until 2002.
Farage has been married twice. He married Gráinne Hayes in 1988, with whom he had two children: Samuel (1989) and Thomas (1991). In 1999 he married Kirsten Mehr, a German national, by whom he has two more children, Victoria (born 2000) and Isabelle (born 2005).[31]

[edit] Footnotes

  1. ^ Matthew Parris (10 September 2009). "Nigel Farage? Might as well be Johnny foreigner". The Times (London). Retrieved 1 April 2010. 
  2. ^ "BBC Question Time - UKIP Nigel Farage Feb 2009". Retrieved 14 April 2010. 
  3. ^ Edwards, Richard (7 May 2010). "Daily Telegraph". London: The Daily Telegraph. Retrieved 2010-05-20. 
  4. ^ a b Andrew Sparrow "Nigel Farage to stand for Ukip leadership again", The Guardian, 3 September 2010
  5. ^ Dale, Iain; Brivati, Brian (3 September 2009). "Daily Telegraph". London: The Daily Telegraph. Retrieved 2010-05-20. 
  6. ^ [1][dead link]
  7. ^ "Politics | UKIP 'voice of British majority'". London: BBC News Online. 2006-10-07. 
  8. ^ [2][dead link]
  9. ^ Farage to quit as UKIP Leader, UKIP website, Retrieved 4 September 2009
  10. ^ "Farage to stand against Speaker". London: BBC News Online. 2009-09-03. 
  11. ^ Nigel Farage injured in plane crash in Northamptonshire, BBC News Website, Retrieved 6 May 2010
  12. ^ Dowling, Tim (7 May 2010). "Election results: Ukip's Nigel Farage finishes behind John Bercow and Flipper". The Guardian (London). Retrieved 7 May 2010. 
  13. ^ Robert Watts "Making plans with Nigel", Sunday Telegraph, 11 March 2007
  14. ^ Helm, Toby (2009-05-24). "Ukip leader boasts of his £2m in expenses | Politics | The Observer". London: Guardian. Retrieved 2009-06-08. 
  15. ^ "McShane misses the point on expenses - UK Independence Party". 2009-05-19. Retrieved 2009-06-08. 
  16. ^ "MEP expense spotlight turns focus to EU - UK Independence Party". 2009-05-25. Retrieved 2009-06-08. 
  17. ^ "BBC NEWS | Europe | Profile: Jacques Barrot". 2004-11-22. Retrieved 2009-06-08. 
  18. ^ The prohibition contained in the French penal code against mentioning crimes covered by an amnesty only concerns French officials who may hear of such crimes in the course of their duties (CP L133-11), and does not apply generally (L133-10).
  19. ^ "Latest News, Breaking News and Current News from the UK and World". London: Telegraph. Retrieved 2009-06-08. 
  20. ^ "Latest News, Breaking News and Current News from the UK and World". London: Telegraph. Retrieved 2009-06-08. 
  21. ^ Castle, Stephen (2005-05-26). "Barroso survives confidence debate over free holiday with Greek tycoon - Europe, World - The Independent". London: Retrieved 2009-06-08. 
  22. ^ "". Retrieved 2009-06-08. 
  23. ^ "Europe | Barroso rebuffs yacht questions". London: BBC News. 2005-05-25. Retrieved 2009-06-08. 
  24. ^ Waterfield, Bruno (2007-01-13). "EU Right's new leader at heart of funds inquiry". London: Telegraph. Retrieved 2009-06-08. 
  25. ^ a b "Politics | UKIP anger at prince's EU speech". London: BBC News. 2008-02-14. Retrieved 2009-06-08. 
  26. ^ a b c d "Tirade against 'damp rag' EU president shocks MEPs". London: BBC News. 2010-02-24. Retrieved 2010-02-24. 
  27. ^ EUX.TV YouTube channel - Nigel Farage harangues EU President Herman van Rompuy Uploaded on 24 February 2010; Retrieved 27 February 2010
  28. ^ "MEP Nigel Farage fined over 'insulting' tirade". BBC News (London). 2010-03-02. Retrieved 2010-03-21. "Given Mr Farage's refusal to apologise, Mr Buzek said he would be docked his right to a daily allowance paid to all MEPs for 10 days." 
  29. ^ "EP President Jerzy BUZEK on MEP Nigel FARAGE - 68659". European Parliament. 2010-03-03. Retrieved 2010-03-21. "The President of the European Parliament, Jerzy Buzek, said after his meeting with Mr Farage: 'I defend absolutely Mr Farage's right to disagree about the policy or institutions of the Union, but not to personally insult our guests in the European Parliament or the country from which they may come. [. . .] I myself fought for free speech as the absolute cornerstone of a democratic society. But with freedom comes responsibility - in this case, to respect the dignity of others and of our institutions. I am disappointed by Mr Farage's behaviour, which sits ill with the great parliamentary tradition of his own country. I cannot accept this sort of behaviour in the European Parliament. I invited him to apologise, but he declined to do so. I have therefore - as an expression of the seriousness of the matter - rescinded his right to ten days' daily allowance as a Member'." 
  30. ^ Camilla Long "Nigel Farage: Brimming over with bile and booze", The Times, 21 March 2010
  31. ^ Watts, Robert (2007-03-11). "Making plans with Nigel". London: The Daily Telegraph. Retrieved 2010-05-20. 

[edit] References

[edit] External links

Party political offices
Preceded by
Roger Knapman
Leader of the United Kingdom Independence Party
Succeeded by
The Lord Pearson of Rannoch
Navbox Leaders of the United Kingdom Independence Party
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