Monday, 21 November 2011

To QUOTE Junius - Nigel Farage: The New Gandhi!

To QUOTE Junius - Nigel Farage: The New Gandhi!

Nigel Farage: The New Gandhi?

Nigel Farage: A drunkard and a fool. And it certainly shows!

Much nonsense has been written recently about the so-called surge in popularity of UKIP in the polls (more on this tomorrow). One writer - Alex Singleton - even made the ludicrous claim that Nigel Farage was the new Gandhi! We suggest that Mr Singleton does a little bit more research into Farage's background and real motivations before insulting the dead by comparing them to a degenerate. It may even prevent Mr Singleton from looking foolish in the future.

What has poor Gandhi ever done to deserve such an insult? Gandhi was motivated by a desire to see his people freed from British rule. He was a humble man, a person who did not seek riches or glory for himself. He also hated sycophancy and deplored racism. To compare this man with Farage is frankly insulting to both the Indian leader and the Indian people.

Farage is motivated solely by ego and wealth. He has claimed millions in expenses since becoming an MEP and has amassed a fortune, most of which is safely placed in his Isle of Man back account. He STILL refuses to publish a full audit of his accounts. This is despite numerous promises to do so. And why does he still refuse to explain what happened to the £211,000 that 'vanished' from UKIP's South East accounts? A similar amount was later paid into his Isle of Man account. Coincidence?

Farage surrounds himself with sycophants, drunkards and liars. Any criticism of his 'leadership' is met with smears against the critic. And exactly the same thing happens when new talent emerges in the party. Farage's deep-seated insecurity just won't allow it. They are either forced out of the party or kicked out on trumped up charges of 'disloyalty'. Look what happened to Nikki Sinclaire! However, Farage always gets others to do his dirty work as he lacks the courage to face his party critics in open debate.

Farage openly sits with racist MEPs in the EFD group, including those who have praised the Norwegian mass murderer, Anders Behring Breivik. See: LINK.

He has the morals of a Alley Cat - the words of Mike Nattrass, UKIP MEP - and thinks nothing of cheating on his wife with Annabelle Fuller and various other assorted 'alley cats'. See: LINK.

This is what Richard North, his former researcher, had to say about his time with the UKIP leader:

 "I am not and was not prepared to be a bag-carrier. Nor would I fetch and carry for Farage, or write his letters, or be available to pour him into a taxi when he was so blind drunk that he could no longer stand, or cover for him when he failed to turn up for morning appointments because he had been out on the tiles all night long. I am almost old enough to be his father, but I am not in the business of being his nanny. I am a professional researcher and that, in my mind, was what I was employed to do."

We could go on but to compile a complete list fully illustrating Farage's dishonesty, lack of ethics and greed would be endless!

Farage is just another example of the worst in British politics - a man without integrity or honour. His 'euro-scepticism 'is nothing more than a cynical ploy in order to stay on the EU Gravy Train at the British taxpayer's expense. Farage is now an extremely wealthy man thanks to his career as a UKIP MEP. And yet in all his years as an MEP he has given virtually nothing to UKIP in the way of donations. Hardly the actions of a man committed to leaving the EU! Farage went 'native' years ago.

Britain's new Gandhi? Don't make us laugh!

 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance
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Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins
tel: 01291 - 62 65 62
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Friday, 18 November 2011

Richard North on the ignorance of Nigel Farage

Richard North on the ignorance of Nigel Farage

Richard North on the ignorance of Nigel Farage

We are pleased to see that Richard North is back blogging after his recent heart operation. Here's to a speedy recovery!

Here is one of Richard's recent posts. It concerns the EU and Nigel Farage:

Maybe it is just post-operative blues, but I'm struggling to get back into the frame, with the news agenda lacking any apparent coherence. We are seeing much the same EU stories as before, nothing has been resolved and the UK political position is no further forward.

I am grateful, therefore, to
Witterings from Witney, for picking up a comment of mine on the Norwegian situation, brought up by Cameron in his Lord Mayor's Banquet speech, and supposedly rebutted by Farage.

This affords me an opportunity to display some irritation (hey! I'm entitled occasionally) at the limitations of our "own" side. For, while one expects nothing of Cameron – or any of the other Tories who seem impervious to knowledge on the EU – one would hope that our own would take the time to find out something of the organisation of which they speak.

In the case of Norway, this is quite important, as the situation is deemed to be a weak point in the eurosceptic armoury. Even outside the EU, it is held, Britain would have to adopt common trading law, as does Norway but, unlike currently, we would lose any influence in its framing, having thus to adopt in the manner of Norway, laws sent to us by fax from Brussels - the so-called "fax law" option.

Bizarrely, Farage concedes this point, although it is not true and can easily be demolished. We have rehearsed it many times and wrote a definitive piece in
May 2008, pointing out the actual situation. Most of these laws are not agreed by the EU at all, but by intergovernmental bodies such as UNECE, of which Norway (and the UK) is a member. The legislation is then processed by the EU commission acting in more of a bureaucratic than legislative role.

In other pieces,
such as this, I have pointed out that there are dozens of UNECE-type bodies, which would also continue in place even if we left the EU, and through which we would continue to agree international standards, to which EU members would also be bound.  Outside the EU, therefore, we would have just as much influence over single market-type law, adopted by EU members.

The down-side, of course, is that leaving the EU would actually provide less relief from petty regulation than we might imagine, although we could disapply much of it from the domestic market.

This though, is core knowledge which should be shaping the debate. But, tediously, one of the leading players continues to do nothing other than display his ignorance, having never troubled to expand his knowledge-set beyond the basic minimum.

And this is why UKIP risks being left at the starting gate, should we come to a real debate about the mechanics of leaving the EU. The Party has no more to offer than the Tories, and that is perilously little.

One sees, for instance, the halt and the lame in that direction, talking blithely about which powers to repatriate and how they would go about reclaiming them, demonstrating absolutely no practical understanding of the complexities involved.

Strangely, of all the policies at present managed by the EU, the first we should claw back is the research programme. This is quite simply because, to repatriate powers, we must replace policies – otherwise there is no point in so doing. And those that are aware of the processes will be aware that a huge amount of policy development (a complex, expensive and time-consuming process) is funded under the research programme.

Thus, is order to reclaim powers, we must develop new policies and, to do that, we must reclaim the policy-making tools.

And so do we need coherence in the debate. Leaving the EU is eminently practicable, possible and necessary, but only if we are able to offer a credible and realistic pathway. To its shame, the eurosceptic community has yet to deliver on this and, when we hear the likes of Farage parade his ignorance, we wonder how longer we are going to have to wait.

To read the original: LINK

 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance
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Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins
tel: 01291 - 62 65 62
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Thursday, 27 January 2011


Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable! 
The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC 
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!
& Clearly Farage is not without humour all be it he is without manners or leadership skills!



Such a pity that Nigel Farage leader of The EFD in The EU and UKIP when in Britain behaved like an ill mannered schoolboy in his speech attacking the whey faced non entity van Rumpoy that has gained such notoriety and for which he was rightly called to account.

It is particularly sad that his words regarding von Rumpuy were so very true yet despite Farage's well displayed competence as a speaker and his obvious humour he so demeaned Britain by his behaviour at the time as do a number of his parasites in The EFD/UKIP on a regular basis with their outspoken support for racism, anti Judaism and sexual intollerance which they financially aid.

UKIP's associates in the EU in Farage's EFD make the posturings of The BNP (which seems on the verge of implosion despite UKIP help) seem pretty tame.

Here is Farage at his best in humour terms:
UKIP: Twit-twhoo are you, Mr van Rompuy?

From the official website:

Herman van Rompuy's Twitter efforts brought a wry smile to the face of UKIP Leader Nigel Farage.

The European Council president, tweeted a haiku:

"In the dead of night/an owl's hoot echoes in the void. / Hardly a soul listens.

Mr Farage said in response: "Hermann Van Rompuy has just tweeted the world's shortest autobiography.

"When I read it, I immediately thought, 'Just like you old boy'. Van Rompuy IS a hoot... and no-one listens.
His plans to save the Euro in its present form are like a hoot before the raging bull of the financial markets. Totally useless.

"I see that German support for the EU has fallen to an all-time low and only 4 per cent of Germans know who Herman Van Rompuy is.

"I am sure, if it had not been for my speech last year, only 2 per cent of the people would know of him. I did the man a huge favour... for which they fined me.

"Last February, I told van Rompuy 'No-one ever heard of you. Who are you?' It appears I was right."
Would that UKIP concentrated on the job for which they were elected eg. campaigning to get Britain out of The EU rather than making fools of themselves stuffing their pockets on the gravy train and supporting and other extremists.

It is astonishing that after 17 years UKIP has merely capitalised on the corruption of MPs as perceived - has only 2 MEPs left who reject extremism (Mike Nattrass MEP, Nikki Sinclaire MEP) and has only 14 elected Councillors out of some 19,500 available elected seats!

As a long term supporter of UKIP I find this a tragic betrayal of the aims and principles of the members at large by the self serving leadership and its salaried praise singers.

 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance
Reclaim YOUR Future 
Write Upon Your Ballot Paper at EVERY election:
(IF You Have No INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance Candidate) .
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Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins
tel: 01291 - 62 65 62
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